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Stephanie’s Yoga Journey

Stephanie began her yoga practice over 20-years ago and quickly recognized the benefits both inside and out. It was seriously life changing for her. She began living her life more deliberately rather than re-actively which reflected in how she treated herself and those around her. Stephanie had fallen into a cycle of stress working, over-shopping and binge drinking on the weekends.

Finding the practice of yoga felt as though a veil was being lifted. She began to connect  with her inner self and saw things more brightly and clearly. Her desires to stress work, over-shop and binge drink slowly faded away. She began to comfortably live in the moment rather than burying herself in distractions.

She loves sharing the beauty of yoga with others. She’s been teaching for three years and is happy she is able to share this amazing practice. She has her RYT-200 hour and is certified in Anusura Yoga.  She leads a heartfelt session focusing on the Principals of Alignment to encourage a safe practice while making it light and fun too.

Stephanie is originally from Maryland and relocated to Sarasota, Florida 22 years ago. She has a 22-year  daughter (yes, she moved when Zoe was just a baby) who recently graduated from FIU in Miami.


Stephanie is honored to be featured in the following publications.

are you ready for some self care?