defining your yoga practice
with private lessons



Have you heard of the amazing benefits of yoga and wanted to try it but don’t feel comfortable going to a studio? There could be a lot of valid reasons why going to a group yoga class doesn’t appeal to you.

I make it easy and bring yoga to you.

Safe, comfortable and accessible.

Your personalized private yoga program takes place in either your home or online over a Zoom call. We’ll schedule the sessions each week at a time that works for you.  

Contact me today for a complimentary introductory session.


taking care of you

Private yoga lessons are such a wonderful gift to yourself. Our one-on-one sessions are not only about the physical practice (strengthening and stretching) but also the mind-body connection.

You deserve this meaningful time each week to yourself. It’s more than a treat. It’s bringing positive aspects to your well-being: improved sleep, calmness, better eating habits and patience to name a few. By committing your time you will learn proper alignment and the many facets of yoga including philosophy.

Our time together is spent exploring the physical poses along with breath work and meditation. All sessions are personally designed around you to meet your needs and draw from the following styles:

  • Chair Yoga - seated and standing poses

  • Gentle Yoga - the practice begins on the floor and moves to standing and then back to the floor

  • Hatha Yoga - active, warming practice

  • Restorative Yoga - relaxing poses with use of props

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how does this work?

We can start with either a 15-minute phone call or a free one-hour introductory session. You decide. If you choose a phone consultation, schedule a 15-minute call using the link below.

If you want to schedule your free 60-minute introductory session, also use the link below. The intro session is held in person or over a Zoom call. If you’re not familiar with Zoom, I’m happy to guide you through the process (I make it really easy).

After your intro session, we’ll look at our calendars and find the weekly timeslot(s) that work for you. We can decide if in-person or Zoom will work the best. You can choose once, twice or three times a week.

Let’s get started…


what you will need

The essentials for your practice:

Then the ‘nice to haves’ but not essential for every practice:

The links provided are to Sunshine Yoga (I have no affiliate relationship). I’ve always received great customer service from them. You can use the links to purchase or just for the details.
